What Do I Need for a Texas Vehicle Title Transfer?
If you live in Texas, and you need to transfer the title of a vehicle, you need to have the proper documentation and all applicable payments.
In order to successfully transfer the title of a vehicle in the Lone Star State, you need:
- A signed and completed Application for Texas Vehicle Title (Form 130-U) from the vehicle’s seller
- A release of lien and/or power of attorney (if applicable)
- Payment for the required TX fees and taxes
You need to take the above-stated paperwork and payment(s) to your local TX county tax office. Be advised, you may be asked to submit additional documents and payments at the time of the vehicle title transfer.
Smog Certification/Vehicle Inspection
In Texas, most gas-powered vehicles that are registered in certain counties are required to pass a vehicle emissions test. However, all vehicles that are registered in the state of Texas are required to pass a vehicle safety inspection.
Non-exempt vehicles must pass a vehicle safety inspection and emissions test before the vehicle’s owner can obtain a vehicle registration or renew its registration. When vehicle owners in Texas possess an original vehicle registration for their new vehicle, the vehicle is exempt from an emissions test.
New residents of this state are required to have their vehicle pass a vehicle safety inspection and an emissions test within 30 days of moving to one of the counties in Texas that requires vehicle testing.
In this state, registered vehicle stickers now serve as proof of a vehicle passing inspection and the vehicle’s valid Texas registration.
Texas Emissions and Smog Check Requirements
Texas has different counties that require vehicles that are registered in that county to have emissions and smog checks performed. If you are a vehicle owner who owns a gasoline-powered vehicle that is between two and 24 model years old, and you live in one of the following counties or areas, your vehicle must pass an annual smog check:
Austin-Round Rock Metro Area
- Travis County
- Williamson County
Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area
- Collin County
- Dallas County
- Denton County
- Ellis County
- Johnson County
- Kaufman County
- Parker County
- Rockwall County
- Tarrant County
El Paso Metro Area
- El Paso County
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Metro Area
- Brazoria County
- Fort Bend County
- Galveston County
- Harris County
- Montgomery County
Smog Check Exemptions in Texas
In Texas, vehicles that fall into one of the following categories are not required to pass a smog check:
- Diesel-powered vehicles
- New vehicles made in the last 2 model years
- Vehicles made over 24 years ago
All Texas motor vehicles are required to pass a vehicle safety inspection. Hybrid vehicles are not exempt from passing a smog check.
How to Transfer Your Vehicle Title in Texas?
When you purchase or sell a vehicle in Texas, you must transfer ownership of the vehicle by transferring the vehicle’s title. Here’s what you need to know about vehicle title transfers in Texas.
Transferring a Vehicle’s Title As a New Resident of Texas
As a new resident of Texas, you have 30 days to title and register your out-of-state vehicle with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). First, your vehicle needs to be inspected. The Texas vehicle inspection consists of a safety check and an emissions check for specific Texas counties. The vehicle is required to pass inspection before it can be titled in Texas.
Once your vehicle passes inspection, you need to visit your local TX DMV office and submit:
- The out-of-state vehicle title and registration
- A completed Application for Texas Title (Form 130-U)
- Proof of a valid TX vehicle insurance policy
- Proof of a passed vehicle inspection
- An odometer disclosure (if your vehicle is under 10 years old)
- Proof of paid sales tax
- Payment for all applicable fees for TX title fees and taxes
In Texas, the vehicle titling and registration process are completed simultaneously.
Transferring the Title of a Vehicle Purchased From a Private Seller
When you purchase a vehicle from a private seller, you have 30 days of the date of sale to title your vehicle.
You are required to bring the following documents and payment(s) to your local TX DMV office:
- The current vehicle title signed by the vehicle’s seller
- A completed Application for Texas Title (Form 130-U) signed by the vehicle’s seller
- Proof of paid sales tax (only required if you’re purchasing a vehicle from another state)
- Proof of a valid Texas vehicle insurance policy
- Release of lien (if applicable) The vehicle’s seller should obtain a lien release before signing the vehicle title over
- Power of Attorney (if applicable)
- Proof of inspection if there are none currently on record for the vehicle
- Payment for all applicable vehicle title transfer fees
Be advised, if you purchase the vehicle on Saturday or Sunday, and the vehicle’s seller removes their license plates, you are able to download a temporary vehicle transit permit. The vehicle transit permit is valid for 5 days, and you can only drive the vehicle to and from your local TX county tax office. Keep in mind, you will only be issued 1 vehicle transit permit.
You may also want to keep a record of:
- The vehicle seller’s name and address
- The date of sale
- The vehicle’s purchase price
- Vehicle information (VIN, make, model, etc.)
Transferring the Title of a Vehicle Purchased From a Dealership
If you purchase a vehicle from a dealership in Texas, the dealer must submit your vehicle title and registration application on your behalf. You need to prepare to pay all applicable vehicle title fees. Make sure the dealer gives you a receipt that shows you as the new owner of the vehicle.
Transferring the Title of a Vehicle You’re Selling in Texas
When you sell a vehicle, the buyer of the vehicle is responsible for completing the TX DMV vehicle title transfer. As the seller of the vehicle, you are required to provide the following:
- The current vehicle title signed over to the new owner (provided by the seller of the vehicle) You also need to complete the odometer reading on the vehicle title certificate
- A signed Application for Texas Certificate of Title (Form 130-U)
- Include the selling price of the vehicle
- A lien release (if there was a lien on the vehicle)
Make sure you notify the TX DMV of the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to protect you from violations committed by the new vehicle owner. You should also keep a record of the vehicle buyer’s information, such as their name, address, and contact info. Other information you should consider obtaining is the date and price of sale, the vehicle’s VIN, make, model, year, etc.
How to Transfer a Vehicle Title When the Owner is Deceased?
When the owner of a vehicle passes away, you must transfer the vehicle’s title to transfer ownership of the vehicle. If you are the beneficiary, you can keep the vehicle, gift it to a relative, or sell the vehicle.
Whether you are a joint-owner, surviving spouse, or beneficiary, you have the legal authority to transfer the vehicle’s title to someone else when the owner of a vehicle passes away. Before you can initiate the TX vehicle title transfer in this situation, you need to determine if the vehicle is part of a probated estate.
Transferring the Title of a Vehicle in a Probated Estate
The vehicle title transfer process in this situation depends on whether the vehicle’s title was solely in the individual’s name as a descendant or joint ownership. If the vehicle title was only in the descendant’s name, you need to know if the estate is being probated.
Probate is a legal process that involves administering the estate of the deceased. This legal process occurs when there is no beneficiary or living spouse listed on the will. The probate validates the deceased’s assets and property and proves the last will and testament are legitimate. The Probate Court will determine how you need to proceed with the individual’s belongings. During this process, the deceased person’s property will be distributed based on their will.
If the vehicle in the estate is part of probate, you must follow these steps to transfer the vehicle title of the owner who is deceased:
Contact an Attorney or Probate Court
A vehicle’s title can’t be transferred until the probate process is complete, so the administrator of the deceased or the executor needs to contact the Probate Court or an attorney quickly to receive further instructions regarding the next steps in the probate process. When the probate process is complete, the heir will receive the vehicle, unless the vehicle was left to the executor. If the vehicle was left to the executor, they can choose to sell the vehicle.
Gather the Required Documentation
While the required documentation to transfer the vehicle title of a deceased person varies from one state to another, in the state of Texas, you need to submit all the following documents in order to successfully transfer the vehicle’s title:
- Certificate of title
- Order from Probate Court to transfer the vehicle
- Death certificate
- Odometer disclosure statement
- Transfer fee
Visit the Title Office
If you are listed as the administrator of the deceased individual’s estate or the beneficiary, you can visit your local TX title office with the above-listed documentation to initiate the vehicle title transfer process.
How to Transfer a Vehicle Title Without Probate
The process you need to follow to transfer the title of a vehicle without probate will vary depending on the state in which you reside. In Texas, the deceased person’s property can’t exceed a certain amount and a specific amount of time needs to have passed since the person passed away before the vehicle title transfer can be initiated.
If you are the administrator, spouse, joint-owner, or beneficiary, you may only be required to provide the death certificate and the vehicle’s title to your local TX title office, and they will retitle the vehicle’s title without a court order or an attorney.
Transferring the Title of an Inherited Vehicle in Texas
The steps you need to take to transfer the title of an inherited vehicle may differ depending on how the estate is distributed. As the surviving spouse and no will, you are able to transfer the vehicle by completing an Affidavit of Heirship for a Motor Vehicle (Form VTR-262)
How to Transfer Ownership of a Vehicle Without a Title in Texas?
In the state of Texas, you must have a vehicle title to transfer the title of a vehicle. If you have lost the vehicle title, you need to apply for a duplicate Texas vehicle title (Form VTR-34).
Can I Gift a Car to a Family Member?
Yes! You can gift a vehicle to a relative. You will need specific documentation to complete the process for a gifted vehicle in Texas. As the recipient of a gifted vehicle or a vehicle that is being transferred from a relative, you must complete a vehicle title transfer at your local TX DMV office. The process you need to follow to transfer the title of a gifted vehicle is similar to those required when you are buying or selling a vehicle in Texas.
In the “price” section of the vehicle’s title, write “0”. The individual receiving the vehicle may be exempt from paying taxes on the vehicle. Just as you would in a private vehicle sale, you are required to fill out the transfer of ownership sections on the back of the original vehicle title.
Even if the vehicle is being gifted to a relative, they may owe a tax on the current market value of the vehicle when they are registering the vehicle. Make sure you take the signed original vehicle title to the city clerk to have the application for a new vehicle title completed.
Transferring a Vehicle Title When You Have an Out-of-State Title
In order to transfer an out-of-state vehicle title in Texas, you need to meet a variety of requirements. The following out-of-state vehicle title transfer paperwork is required to correctly transfer the vehicle title from one state to Texas:
- The original out-of-state vehicle title
- Proof of identification (ex. A valid driver’s license)
- A completed application for a certificate of ownership
- Proof of a valid TX vehicle insurance policy
- A completed application for a certificate of ownership
If a lien holder possesses your vehicle’s title, you must complete an application for the release of the vehicle title. Once the application is completed, it will be sent to a TX DMV. Be advised, you may be required to provide additional information.
Requesting a Duplicate Vehicle Title in Texas
If you lost or destroyed your vehicle’s title, you need to order a duplicate vehicle title. The TX DMV will handle the issuance of all new and duplicate vehicle titles in the state.
In order to replace your vehicle’s title, you need to:
- Complete an Application for a Certified Copy of Certificate of Title (Form VTR-34)
- Provide your driver’s license
- Pay the $2 vehicle title fee by mail or $5.45 vehicle title fee in person
Make sure you have the necessary payment(s) and documentation to ensure you can complete the vehicle title transfer process in Texas and avoid unnecessary fees and penalties. You can request a duplicate TX vehicle title in person or by mail.
When you submit your duplicate vehicle title by mail, you need to submit the following:
- A completed/certified copy of the Application for a Certified Copy of Certificate of Title (Form VTR-34)
- A copy of the owner’s valid photo ID (ex. State’s driver’s license, ID card, or U.S. passport)
You can make your payment for the duplicate TX vehicle title fee and $2 mail-in duplicate vehicle title fee by check, money order, or cashier’s check.
If you are applying for a duplicate Texas vehicle title in person, you need to visit the regional service center office to receive a replacement vehicle title.
Make sure you bring:
- A completed/certified copy of the Application for a Certified Copy of Certificate of Title (Form VTR-34)
- A valid photo ID (driver’s license, ID card, or U.S. Passport)
Make sure you have cash, check, money order, or cashier’s check to cover the $5.45 fee for replacing your vehicle’s title in person. If there is a lien on your vehicle, the lien holder must request the replacement vehicle title.
Transferring a Vehicle Title With a Lien
Hooray! You finished paying off your vehicle loan. Once you finish paying off your vehicle loan, the lender is required to release the lien within 10 business days.
If the lender recorded the lien using a paper vehicle title, they are required to send the vehicle title certificate to you by mail.
Once you receive the vehicle title, you must submit the vehicle title along with the following documents and payment(s) to your local TX DMV office:
- A release of lien letter or other notification from the lender
- A completed Application for Texas Certificate of Title (Form 130-U)
- Payment for the new vehicle title fee
If the vehicle lien was recorded on an electronic title, the TX DMV and lender will work together to remove the lien. Once the lien has been removed, you will be notified by the DMV.
How Much Does a Vehicle Title Transfer Cost in Texas?
The vehicle titling fees may vary depending on the Texas county you reside in. The standard fees for vehicle titling in Texas are as follows:
- Vehicle title application: $28 or $33 (depending on the county in which you live)
- Vehicle inspection fee (state portion): up to $30.75 (the vehicle inspection station will charge its own additional service fees upon inspection
- Local and county fees: $31.50 (maximum amount to be charged)
- Vehicle insurance verification fees: $31.50 (maximum amount to be charged)
- Automation fee: $1
If you’ve purchased a vehicle from a private seller, keep in mind, you will be subject to a sales tax of 6.25% of the highest value between the selling price and the standard value of the vehicle.
Where Can I Go to Transfer a Vehicle Title in Texas?
There are different DMV locations in New Hampshire where you can transfer a vehicle’s title.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles – Austin Office
4000 Jackson Ave
(512) 465-3000
Monday-Friday (8 AM – 5 PM)
Saturday and Sunday (Closed)
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles – Conroe Office
2 Hilbig Rd
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 442-2810
Contact office for current business hours
How to Fill Out the Texas Title and Title Transfer Forms
In order for you to complete the Texas vehicle title and title transfer forms, you need to make sure you have the required signatures of the vehicle’s seller and buyer in the provided areas of the vehicle title. You also need to complete a bill of sale that discloses information regarding the vehicle, such as its make, year, model, and color. Don’t forget to include the vehicle’s VIN.
If you sold a vehicle instead of gifting it, make sure you add the correct sales tax needs to the vehicle’s total price. In the “transfer of title by seller” section of the vehicle title, provide an odometer reading, and make sure the recipient of the vehicle signs the vehicle’s title in the designated areas.
Keep in mind that you may be required to provide additional documentation, including a valid Texas vehicle insurance policy that meets or exceeds the state’s minimum vehicle coverage limits. You may also be required to provide a valid government-issued photo ID or a foreign passport for proof of identification.
My Vehicle Title Was Signed But Never Transferred. What Do I Do?
When a vehicle’s title is signed but not transferred, the vehicle has an open title. When a vehicle has an open title, the vehicle’s seller didn’t transfer ownership of or register the vehicle in their name.
Since the vehicle seller didn’t register the vehicle in their name, they do not assume any legal responsibility for anything pertaining to the vehicle, such as taxes and other fees.
If the vehicle’s seller has lost the title, they can apply for a duplicate TX vehicle title (Form VTR-34) and sign it over to you for you to put in your name. Be advised, the individual who is listed on the vehicle’s title is responsible for requesting a duplicate vehicle title.